Sep 7, 2010

New Little Blessing

I had been having some minor contractions for two weeks when I finally went into the hospital Sept. 3rd because my contractions were 5-8 minutes apart. However, they were not painful at all. I was 3 cm dialated but they ended up sending us home since we lived just 2 min. from the hospital. But on Sept. 5th, 2010 at 3:10 in the morning I started having some serious contractions that were lasting 3-5 minutes apart. They continued for an hour until I finally told my mom to go wake hubby. We got the cars ready. David and I left for the hospital while mom took Wyatt (our 15 month old) to a friends house. We arrived at the hospital at 4:30am. My mom arrived about an hour later. At about 5:30am I was at 7 cm. I was not really expecting to already be at a 7 already, so I was a little suprised... but very excited. So they took us into the delivery room. I recieved my epidural and was VERY happy about it. LOL However, I wasn't making any cervical change after the epidural. At about 8:30am the doctor decided to give me a very small amount of petocin. Then at 10am, I was ready to push. I started the pushing at 10:20am. It all happened pretty quickly. Owen Foster James was born at 10:32am Weighing 8 lbs. 9.5 oz. and measuring 20.25 inches. The Lord is sooo good. Though he came at 38 wks., it was perfect timing. I did recieve a 2nd degree laceration this time, but it is definately better than last time. "I will bless the Lord at all times" We are very happy to finally have our little Owen home!

1 comment:

  1. Hey sweety, I have so enjoyed the time I've been with you and David. At times I was exausted and God provided the strength I needed. I will never forget this experience with you because God used it to change and work in my life, for that I am eternally greatful to Him. You are a fine example of what God can do when we rely totally on Him during any trial. Love you, Momma
